Discover health your way for a lifestyle you love.

Heal stress of your gut, body & mind through nutrition to support healthy living that feels good to you.

How do I sleep better? know what to eat? exercise? lower stress? manage menopause? balance hormones?

You’re not alone.

Hi! I’m Claudette Cawley. 👋🏻 Before becoming a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Women’s Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach, I had these same issues. Even though I exercised, ate healthy and met my nutritional needs, I still wasn't feeling my best. So what gives? I found myself in a state of chronic pain, sleepless nights, brain fog, anxiety, significant stress and, for years, always having recurrent infections (ear, eye urinary, sinus yeast, respiratory, dental, strep), always treated with rounds of antibiotics. And never getting better. I was struggling and it began to affect my daily life.

“All Disease Begins In The Gut.” -Hippocrates

enhance your health at every stage.

Whether you seek relief from specific symptoms, have tried addressing your health with every diet and are still waiting to get the desired results, or aim to cultivate overall well-being, I support you.

We’ll work together to regain health by addressing your stress infections and toxins impacting your health, nutritional deficiencies and to restore hormonal balances.

This transformation is for women like you, who want to live your best lives… and ready to live your best years.

restore vibrancy to your life.

Healing occurs when we address the mind, body, and soul. Experience optimal health in a way that feels good to you.

Through personalized nutrition counseling, functional medicine testing, health coaching, tailored supplements and botanicals, you’ll discover health your way for a lifestyle you love. Book your free 30-minute consultation. Say yes to yourself and embark on a healthier, better version.