Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach for Women

Hi, I’m Claudette!

I'm a passionate and dedicated holistic nutritionist and a functional medicine health and wellness coach in Connecticut, committed to empowering women to achieve optimal health through personalized nutrition and supportive life habits.

In addition to work, life, and stress, I had mental and emotional, traumatic life experiences, financial relationship stressors, and exposure to the many toxins, mold, candida, and microbes like parasites that took their toll on my immune and digestive health and were showing up in my neuromuscular system. But also, I went through perimenopause and menopause without support; hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain, and brain fog. Years of unmanaged stressors created much anxiety and poor sleep. But what was the root cause?

I was the girl on the go.

Many described me as the girl who burned the candle at both ends. But I loved being busy. At least I thought I did. I could do it all and do it well until I burned out and found myself on the floor having a panic attack that scared me to death. Did I rest? Nope. Off to work; with my heart racing, this lasted months, and I told no one and carried on. But life stresses started to take their toll: a demanding job, strained and toxic relationships, emotional pain, caring for elderly parents and family members, deaths of loved ones, kids off to college, you know the life stuff, so I decided to tackle a Master's degree and a health coaching certificate. I was already up by 4 am, so I should study.πŸ€“

But more so, the insidious stressors attacking my body, life-long exposure to environmental toxins, especially glyphosate and BPA (we are all exposed), and I was positive for mold, candida, and H pylori all began wreaking havoc with my digestive health with dysbiosis, (imbalance of gut microbes) which I knew was causing cravings, especially for chocolate. I also ignored this because I ate well, exercised, and did not look or feel ill, but the signs and symptoms were there. Still, busy people don’t take the time to stop and look for a pattern, especially when going through perimenopause and menopause and leading busy lives. Many symptoms get brushed off,,, and I was saying Yes to everything and everyone.

Throughout the years, numerous infections requiring many rounds of antibiotics (sinus, eye, dental issues, strep throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, UTIs, yeast infections), then came the weight gain and belly fat ☹️, followed by poor sleep, waking up at 3 am, hot flashes πŸ₯΅, crashing at 3 pm, developing food sensitivities, unexplained rashes, all lead to brain fog, anxiety. Did this stop me? No, I wore the badge and developed pain in both feet and legs. Walking was difficult, which made it hard to exercise, and that was enough. What was the root cause? Some doctors said it was due to a change of life because my conventional labs were perfect; when I reached out to my chiropractors, kinesiologists, massage therapist, and trainer, I could no longer deny what they were saying; it was stress.

This led me to dive deep into managing my stress and addressing the physiological effects of stress, reclaiming my health through nutrition and lifestyle modifications, and not following the route of medications to treat the symptoms. I found out along this journey that I was not alone.

My story resounds with many women who carry many stressors and have forgotten to say NO or did not prioritize self-care, proper nutrition that supports your stage in life, and that health issues have shown up, and aren't you tired of not feeling your best? Stress and poor nutrition are taking their toll on your health and slowly robbing you of living vibrantly. The link between stress and health is well-established,

Cortisol Release: Prolonged elevation contributes to various health issues.

  • Suppressed Immune System Suppression

  • Hypertension and Heart disease

  • Gastrointestinal Issues: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Memory and Concentration

  • Weight gain or loss

  • Increased Abdominal Fat

  • Insomnia

  • Inflammation and autoimmune diseases

  • Unhealthy habits: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or substance abuse, including the Sad American Diet of low fiber, processed foods packed with sugar, salt, and stuff you can't pronounce

  • Premature aging

My philosophy takes a holistic nutrition and lifestyle approach to your healing to address the root cause through nutrition assessment and functional laboratory testing.

My mission:

I sincerely appreciate the body's innate ability to heal. This inspires me to help others discover the same transformative power of adopting a holistic lifestyle approach. Stress and chronic health issues, especially around the years of perimenopause and menopause, are not supportive. It became my life's mission to help others break free from the debilitating cycle of these body’s stressor-related health issues. We see them intensify, especially during perimenopause and menopause years.

My goal is to empower you to take control of your well-being by addressing the physical symptoms and underlying stressors.



  • MSHN Summa Cum Laude

  • BCHN candidate

  • Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach NBA HWC

  • ACHS Certified Functional Laboratory Biomarkers

  • BS MT Laboratory Science ASCP


  • NANP National Association of Nutrition Professional

  • ANA American Nutrition Association

  • FMCA Functional Medicine Coaching Academy